Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not a moment to be had.

Tonight Keith asked me if I had done my Mom for a Moment lately. My reply, was "Nope, haven't had a moment". Hmmm....Mom for a moment that can't find a moment. 

Tis true. I am discovering that having the house on the market and kids out of school for summer leaves me with not a moment for anything but keeping up with them and keeping up with the house. It is not ever always a pleasant experience but that is our life situation right now. I am going to attempt a quick recap since my tendency is to ignore things the longer they go, so here goes. 

Swim team. I have never had the kids love something so much as this. I mean it. They both love practice. As much as Conner has enjoyed soccer he always complained a bit about going to practice since he would rather just play the game. Alaina? Besides dancing, she has not been a part of a sport and this first experience has been life changing. I mean it. Life changing. Hope to write more on that later. Let just say she has gone from this:

Unsure, timid, and insecure on day one

To proud, confident and brave on day 9 (transformation occurred on day 3), winning her heat on backstroke and coming in second in another. .

Conner rocked it out getting two second places and two fourth places. They LOVE it. Me? Love seeing the kids immerse themselves and work hard. Love getting to know the awesome families in the neighborhood more. Hauling dinner and a toddler to the pool deck every night in the heat? Not so much. 

Alaina had her final gala for dance. It was pretty good. I mean, she is great, but the teacher incorporated props with their dance and I feel like that took up much of their time. That said, Alaina had fun and loves to get dressed up and go on the big stage. Another thing that has been priceless for her confidence.

We continue to see our family fairly often and are reminded every single time what a blessing it is to have the whole fam nearby. Zane and Maylin were both walking around together for the first time recently and it was too cute. Conner is in love with his little cousins and I think Alaina is going to LOVE having a younger girl cousin that will look up to her. Here all the grandkids are with Papa and Nana. Forgive Alaina's smile. I think her facial muscles were on overload from the performance and all the pictures. : )

We wrapped up the school year with Alaina finishing up strong. She has grown SO much this year in every area. She was voted best "helper" in her class.

Conner finished with straight A's. Again. The boy is smart and school comes so easily for him. He rarely has to study or work hard on a project but I think that will change next year. I look forward to seeing how he faces the challenges of fourth grade!

Zane? He is busy being busy. Yep, like his sister, he bypasses every toy there is and gravitates toward "real" objects. Luckily he is pretty content to roam around and do things like eat toilet paper.

I am often reminded how incredibly lenient one gets with a third child. There is not much I don't let him do and ya know, it isn't that bad. I do draw the line at him harming himself and so far so good! He is walking and babbling up a storm and turned ONE YEAR OLD on Thursday. He deserves a post devoted to his birthday (especially since his first year will not be scrapbooked like his brother and sister) so that is in the plans. 

In keeping with my frugal ways, I decided that it was about time to get some "professional" pictures of the kids done. What is a Mom on a budget to do? Why pay the college student going to school for art and design who just got a $10K camera and loves to take pictures to do it. Best $40 I have spent in a long time.

Well, that's it. My moments are up. Back to the grind!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Oh, yeah....

 I feel like there are so many time I want to come on here and say, "Oh yeah, I forgot, Zane is walking" or "Oh yeah,!we went somewhere really cool the other day". However, that day often does not come. I am trying to chronicle our lives, kids so bear with this "Oh yeah" post.....

Oh yeah! Zane IS walking! He took his first successive steps five days before he turned 11 months and that is all he wants to do now. Other than climb on you. The boy is never still.


Oh yeah! when you are a third child, you will often wear things like this. A 9 month old fire engine onsie paired with a pair of 24 month NC State shorts. Yep, that's how we roll. 

Oh yeah! Conner is still an AWESOME brother. So sweet to his brother and his sister.  The "newness" of having a baby brother has not worn of and no sign of it coming soon.

Oh yeah! We don't worry about germs at our house. Here is Zane sucking on the fire hydrant. Ya know, the one that probably has cat urine, bird poop and grime from years of build up? Yep, that's the one. 

Oh yeah! Keith took Conner and Alaina to the drive in movie and the kids might as well have had a short trip to heaven. Laid out in the back of van with junk food with a movie up past their bedtime? Yes. They stumbled in the house at 11pm chattering away at how much fun they had. Then they passed out. : )

Oh yeah! Keith is an awesome Dad. 

The small shady unique trailer that sold food during the movie. Artificial dyes free with

Oh, yeah! The other day, all three kids looked at me when I had a camera in my hand. Not one of them was being (too) crazy or being silly. It was a moment to remember. Enjoy. 

In case you are wondering, that is Conner and Alaina sitting angelically at the dining room table playing mancala together. All is well until Alaina starts to lose. She was winning at this point. Zane? He was wobbling around putting various household objects in his mouth as we continue to expose him to the maximum amount of germs possible. 

Oh yeah! We attended a rally as a family. We Marched against Monsanto last Saturday. I won't get on my soapbox here, but click HERE for an information on what I dislike about what they are doing. Funny, how I have found passion in this but it burns me to know what kind of crap is dumped in the "food" supply and how they are genetically modifying what God made.

Oh yeah! This girl? Rocking Kindergarten. She has come so far and ready for 1st grade. She is still the spunky, free spirited, rambunctious, strong willed girl that she has always been. Yep. Going strong in all those areas. 

Oh yeah! This boy? A few months away from hitting the official halfway mark of leaving us. Hard to believe. I have heard that around this age (he will be 10 this fall) they start to pull away. While I have seen traces of that in his behavior, he is still so sweet and loves to be with his family. Man, this boy is precious.

Oh yeah! We don't use bibs. We did, but this one just pulls at it and screams, so......check out this lovely combination of snot, green smoothie, fresh strawberries and water. You're welcome.

 Oh yeah! Swim Team started! We have lived here since the kids are born and they have it every year but for some reason I decided to wait until I had a baby and the house on the market to this Monday through Thursday commitment. That said, it is looking pretty cool.


Oh yeah! Speaking of swim team and things that are pretty cool.....this girl. Post coming soon!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Alaina turns 6!

 Before I am a month late, I want to take time to wish Alaina a happy birthday! Six! Wow. She was always the little one and now she is so big. Literally. 90% for height and 95% for weight. Built just like her Daddy, long and lean (lucky girl. I am glad you have my dimples, but very glad you have Daddy's build!).

This was a quite an exciting year for you sweet girl. You graduated from preschool at North Raleigh Church of Christ, where you had spent the past three years. And you started Kindergarten at Endeavor Charter School. After watching your brother attend for 3 years, after coming with me to volunteer countless times in the classroom, after sitting in carpool, you are now the one being picked up. I have to admit, I wasn't sure how you would do, but you have done amazing.

Nothing has changed since your first day of school. You have left the house feeling proud to be going. You leave with excited energy and like the first day, you walk in like you own the place. : )

You have spent another year at CC and Company doing Acrobatic Dance and Ballet/Tap/Jazz. I love how your confidence grew this year with acro. You were always putting on a "show" in the living room and ready to show and tell your new stunts to any visitor in our home. You are always moving and dancing and tumbling are often what makes up that movement. Never a dull moment! This picture is from your annual Gala where you were an "After Dinner Mint". This seems to be such a fun hobby for you, I can't wait to see if it is something that develops into a passion. Either way, your spirit and energy that you use when you do it is awesome!

This year you welcomed your new baby brother and gave up your title as "baby" in the family. You were so excited to have him arrive and I knew you would be a great sister and second "Mom" to him, and you certainly have.  I love how you will randomly comment about him saying, "I just love his smile, isn't it great!" or the day you came downstairs and said "Wow, he sure is getting big.", even though you had just seen him the night before. Zane is so lucky to have you as his big sister. I appreciate all you do to help out with him, even though I do have to hold you back and remind you over and over (and over) to give him his space.

I remember the day we "discovered" your Halloween costume. I had pulled out our bin of costumes, hoping to find something so I did not have to buy one and we found Conner's spiderman costume from years past. You left the room to try it on and returned with it on PLUS a pair of knee high boots and I immediately remembered the black ballet skirt and there you have it. You thought it was AWESOME. I love how you strike poses. So random, so full of energy, so fun!  Christmas was a big hit for you this year as well as you got your first new bike and some sparkly clothes. You were asking for drums and luckily you have other family members that listened and your Aunt Ashley got you your very own drum set. You thought it was incredible and for weeks I heard your pounding from the garage.

This was the year that you started drawing. It has become such a passion of yours and there is not one day that you do not spend time at your table making a creation. These are some of your first pictures. It has become such a love that getting a ream of paper and fresh set of markets is as exciting as anything to you. I also love the look of pride you have when you finish your work! I also got my first "note" from you.

Your sense of style has also evolved. There has never been more a true "girly girl" when it comes to what you wear. You seem to have two sides. One side throws on a dirty pair of shorts and a random t-shirt and the other you dresses to the nines, purposefully combining clothes that reflect your personality so well. It is a revolving door when it comes to you and your clothes. You will literally walk out of the room in one outfit and walk back in with another one on. Multiple times in an afternoon!

You got to bond with your new cousin Maylin, who you LOVED matching with and then welcomed her brother Landon who shares your birthday month


It has become our routine this year that you do the prayer every single night at dinner. At first you started out with a rote timid prayer, but your prayers have become passionate declarations of thanksgiving that are really amazing. One thing has remained the same since you first started praying. Without a prompt for us, you have prayed for Maylin, then added in Zane, and finally Landon. You pray that you hope they will have a good day, or that Gresham and Jen will have fun with them, or that Zane will learn to crawl. Such a sweet and tender heart you have for your family!

This year you conquered your fear of the dentist and sat in the chair the whole time and let them clean and check your teeth! Such a far cry from the past three years where we only got as far as you sitting in my lap in the chair before refusing to go any further. I was so proud of you and was even more excited to see how proud of yourself you were. 

Speaking of teeth, you lost your first one this year! You bit into an apple and your tooth suddenly became VERY loose. You were excited at first but quickly realized that you could not bite anything due to how unstable that front bottom tooth was. You went from joy to sobbing that you would "never be able to eat again". Luckily, your Daddy was willing to pull "check" the tooth for you was able to get it to come out. You were SO excited to go to school the next day to share your news.

You went on several beach trips this year. One to Corolla with the Sandberg Family and another to Myrtle Beach with the Riggs family. You love the ocean and can be found dancing, singing, tumbling, digging, building, wave riding....but always, your first priority at the beach is finding a friend. Your confidence with this has grown and you are able to walk right up to another child and introduce yourself. You have a strong drive for companionship and friendship, especially in girls your same age. 

Your brother. You adore him. You love to spend time in his room, jump on the trampoline, build forts, have movie nights, and are always seeking out his attention. This year we had to spend a lot of time teaching you how to get Conner's attention in a positive way, and that is a process, but the love and desire for friendship you have with him is a joy to watch. Even if the "love" does often turn into passionate arguments. : ) You are fiercely independent and often want to do things yourself and don't even want to be taught, but you do ask and allow Conner to show you things once in a while.

You love to spend time with all your grandparents and this year you have shown a particular interest in doing hair and luckily Nana was up for being your model.  You love to come in the bathroom when I am getting ready and get "ready" yourself. You brush your hair, and provide adult like chatter that is quite entertaining.

I love how excited you get for each and every one of our family gatherings. When I tell you we are having a family party or a family get together, it is like I have told you the best news in the world. You will often be dressed and ready to walk out the door hours before it is time just because you cannot wait to see your people. Aunt Ashley being a particular favorite since you both have a spark of crazy charisma that is so similar!

This year Alaina started dating...her Dad. : ) Keith and I had read and heard (can't remember exactly where) that a Dad dates his daughter to show her how special she is and how a real "man" treats a woman. The idea is that if she ever goes on a date and the date treats her any less than wonderful and respectful, that she will kick him to the curb because she KNOWS she can be treated, and deserves to be treated better. So Alaina, remember, you deserve to be treated with the utmost respect and adoration. You are worth it! We pray that while these dates with Daddy to different shows and restaurants are fun, that you begin to think highly of yourself and understand what being treated like a lady feels like. : )

 Alaina, you take such pride in being a sister. Many of your drawings this year have been about your "famale" and I can tell that you treasure that sense of belonging. You do belong with us. You are the bright light in the house that sometimes is a strobe light, sometimes a blinding light, sometimes, like a siren, but you bring life and light and excitement to the house the moment you awake. This past year, you have started to wake around 5:45-6am on your own and I often have to call out to you to stop singing at that early hour!

While you love to gain the attention of those around you, when the spotlight is thrust upon you or given to you freely, you tend to "quiet down", literally and with your demeanor. Whether it is a stranger suddenly asking you a question, or on stage speaking in a school production, or even in front of family when you are asked to speak. Your voice lowers and your eyes dart around nervously. It is a stark contrast to the girl we normally see!

Happy 6th birthday pretty girl! After asking for your hair to be cut all year, Mommy finally got the courage to do it and you look so old now. Your birthday was special, starting out with Daddy trying to attach balloons to the car so they would be announce your birthday arrival at school. Unfortunately, the wind whipped them off the car before he could get out of the neighborhood. You Dad brought you flowers at lunch and Mommy showed up at the end of the day with balloons and cookie cake. Your brother was let out of class to join you. Mommy surprised you and Conner with a trip to the indoor pool right after school and your excitement was amazing. It was like I had just told you we were going to Disney World! : ) We finished off the night with your choice meal of hot dogs, mac and cheese, peas and fruit and then the cake you requested, a strawberry cake. You got Just Dance 4 for the Wii, a large pack of printer paper and new set of markers and a new pair of shoes.....the same shoes in a bigger size that you have worn out over the past 18 months.

It is amazing as I wrote this to you, how many times I used words like "fun", "excited", "energy" and "passion". That is what you are full of. You have a strong will and an incredible spirit. I pray that in your seventh year that your Dad and I can guide you in the way that will enhance the way God has made you. We love you so much and always will.